Friday, June 10, 2016

Empowering Freed Kamlaris (NEPAL)

An amazing transformation is happening in Nepal. Vulnerable girls who were rescued from the Kamlari system of child slavery are now free — and they’re becoming powerful young women who are leading the way to a better life for themselves and their communities.


In 2000, NYF started a battle to end the act of Kamlari, a centuries-old arrangement of obligated subjugation inserted in the way of life of country Nepal. Our Indentured Daughters Program was twofold: to safeguard the young ladies who had been sold into subjection and to nullify the work on going ahead. More than 12,000 young ladies, some of whom had been subjugated subsequent to the age of six, were protected and came back to their home groups, profoundly injured and without any training. 

NYF's Empowering Freed Kamlaris program (EFK) helps previous Kamlari young ladies get to be solid, upbeat and autonomous young ladies. The project likewise empowers the social and monetary advancement important to guarantee that no young lady will until the end of time turn into a casualty of Kamlari. 

The EFK program served 8,000 young ladies this previous year, with 18 full-time staff giving authority preparing, tutoring administrations, and money related and business administration preparing in conjunction with other NYF programs.

Leadership Training
EFK staff gives preparing in initiative aptitudes, authoritative administration, political proficiency, bookkeeping and budgetary education, enterprise and business administration for the 4,860 young ladies who have made the Freed Kamlari Development Forum (FKDF).

Economic Development
There are currently 40 FKDF business centers in Western Nepal with more than 5,300 individuals. We gave $30,000 to begin the center credit reserve, which FKDF individuals control, and more than 750 young ladies have effectively propelled their own particular organizations. Community individuals have as of now reinvested $40,000 once again into the advance asset.

Career Training and Counseling

The EFK programs works intimately with Vocational Education and Career Counseling project to bolster the liberated Kamlaris. Our staff gives organized advising sessions and evaluation tests, and after that helps young ladies select in top-quality preparing programs for a wide assortment of professions. 82% of graduates are as of now utilized — an exceptional accomplishment given that the unemployment rate in Nepal is 40-46%.


Psychological Support
With preparing and supervision from the staff of our Ankur Counseling Center, FKDF peer advocates give enthusiastic backing to previous Kamlaris, alongside a referral administration for the individuals who require more offer assistance. There are presently 60 FKDF peer guides and five aide instructors directing 175 month to month care groups with 2,500 members.

Vocational Training (NEPAL)

Career counseling and vocational courses prepare underprivileged youth for marketable careers, leading to economic independence and a dignified life.

Pig farming
Shushila Chaudhary put in 14 years in subjugation as a Kamlari. She never went to class. In the wake of picking up her flexibility, she selected in NYF's professional preparing project to wind up a pig agriculturist. Endless supply of her coursework, Shushila acquired Rs. 35,000 from an agreeable and began her own business. She reimbursed the whole credit amid her first year of operation, and earned a net benefit of Rs. 40,000.

vecc_300x200Unemployment surpasses 30 percent in Nepal. School graduates at times battle to discover significant work. To help youngsters get to be employment prepared, NYF works a Vocational Education and Career Counseling program that trains members for more than twelve professions. Advocates survey understudies to match fitness and interests with vocation choices. Understudies get organized profession directing. Professional courses are offered through the VECC project, or understudies are found a preparation program that suits their requirements. In the wake of preparing, NYF assists with occupation position or independent work. 

plumbingYoungsters with occupations serve as good examples in their groups. They're ready to affect their family's monetary status and enhance the family's general welfare. Like Shushila, numerous get what it takes and the certainty to begin their own particular organizations. 

Your gift gives fundamental professional preparing to ruined youngsters who especially need to work yet do not have the essential preparing. Six hundred dollars subsidizes a whole preparing program for one understudy. Eleven hundred dollars gives propelled specialized coursework. 

Set up a willing youthful grown-up for the employment market.

Early Childhood Development (NEPAL)

NYF transforms sub-standard, government-run early childhood centers into model programs serving disadvantaged preschoolers in rural Nepal.

ECDPowerful early adolescence intercession changes lives. In 2013, NYF started changing sub-standard early youth focuses into model preschool programs. After some time the activity will affect the lives of a large number of bankrupted 3-and 4-year-olds and improve their probability of transitioning into evaluation one—a noteworthy obstacle in provincial groups. 

ecd2_600x400The status of early youth instruction in Nepal is disgraceful. More than 90 percent of the administration's 30,000 early adolescence focuses neglect to meet even least measures. Educators need preparing and win low pay. Classrooms are little and in poor condition. Materials are inadequate to nonexistent, and the instructor kid proportion floats at 1:43. 

ecd3_600x400ecd_600x400NYF goes into a focused on focus and prepares the educators, brings down the instructor youngster proportion, and outfits a reasonable classroom with furniture and learning materials. Kids get an early afternoon dinner and experience dietary screenings and subsequent mediations. Moms are taught how to plan neighborhood, supplement rich sustenances. Ankur Counseling Center trains educators and guardians in kid improvement and kid raising methods. Following five years of working effectively, show focuses come back to government control. 

NYF propelled the Early Childhood Development program with nine model focuses, and bolstered ten more in 2015. The objective is to change 200 focuses throughout the following five years—aggressive however possible with your backing. Help us affect the advancement of distraught preschoolers, and change their lives until the end of time.

Role of radio on agricultural development: A review

Role of radio on agricultural development: A review  

This article examines the part of radio in farming advancement of Nepal. The work depends on the audit of some chose writings. The creator's principle position here is that Nepal's available radio blast bears a high degree for a huge part in the advancement of agribusiness, and that talking this issue ought to get due significance since Nepalese economy is very reliant on agrarian items. 

Impact of radio in agriculture  

Standard transmission of radio projects identified with horticulture gives important data about new cultivating techniques. Radio transmission is brisk and reaches to a more extensive populace. As the agriculturists get valuable data from the radio, bit by bit they acquire change cultivating strategy applying new systems (Ekoja, 2003, p.21). 

Data and information are two noteworthy variables for rustic advancement. The learning of area further helps the ranchers. Scattering of data alongside new ideas and cultivating strategies can convey novel chances to the agriculturists (Mohammad Retz Nazn and Hasan Harbullah, 2010, pp. 13-20). 

The study done by Jenkins and his contemporary in northern California has demonstrated that the mass correspondence has given much valuable learning identified with farming and the experience was very important. 

Radio has been demonstrated as the imperative device for the improvement of farming in the country territory. In the creating , radio is the intense and powerful medium to extend the data and learning identified with agribusiness. (Nakabugu, 2001, FAO, 2001) 

As indicated by Sharma (2008), radio is the solid medium that can cover more extensive range and can reach to the vast number of individuals. The quality of radio as the medium of correspondence is that it is practical as far as transmission, presentation and versatility. 

Radio can be helpful medium to teach ranchers on the off chance that it claims them with new projects having present day agrarian advances. In any case, the proficiency of agriculturists is essential to see such projects and apply them fittingly (Mohammad Reza Nazari and Abu Hassan Hasbullah, 2010 on the same page). 

As the provincial ranchers themselves partake in the radio projects, they turn out to be additionally intriguing and compelling on account of the sentiment the possession. The message and data effectively gets past. 

Vital data identified with horticulture can be given utilizing radio. Nakabugu (2010) further composes: 

Data on better cultivating techniques, enhanced seeds, convenient planting, agro-ranger service, better gathering strategies, soil preservation, promoting, post-harvest taking care of and expansion. 

He expresses that rustic radio gives ranchers a chance to cooperate with each other and other pertinent powers e.g. expansion specialists, yield and creature specialists through arrangement like live television shows, telephone in projects and on area telecasts. He assist includes, "Subsequent to Rural radio is group based, it can be utilized to activate individuals towards group advancement function as development of valley dams, ensured wells and vaccination of creatures". 

The worldwide associations like United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) have been utilizing radio for the advancement as a part of separate fields subsequent to 1960. (Chapman, R. et. al, 2003) Chapman (2003) further expounds on provincial radio: 

The quality of provincial radio as an expansion instrument is broadly respected to lie in its capacity to achieve ignorant ranchers and furnish them with data identifying with all parts of agrarian generation in a dialect they get it. 

This stresses country radio, as an apparatus of horticultural improvement and provincial advancement ought to intend to acquire change the work of the agriculturists by giving valuable data. Chapman, R. et al (2003) comment about provincial radio: 

Rustic radio can be utilized to enhance the sharing of agrarian data by remote country cultivating groups. Participatory correspondence procedures can bolster horticultural augmentation endeavors particularly utilizing neighborhood dialects and rustic radio to discuss specifically with ranchers and audience bunches. 

About his study on the effect of homestead radio in Pune, India, Paul Neurath (1959, 1960) comments that the audience that listen the radio have more learning about present day techniques for cultivating than the individuals who don't tune in. The study demonstrates that Farm Radio Forum has worked as the operator for the transmission of learning and data identified with horticulture (FAO, 1956, 1959). 

Another investigation of FAO (2005) has observed that ranch radio has contributed regarding fortifying social solidarity, upgrading open capacity, giving learning about region, saving environment and tackling the issues that emerge in the groups. The study has prescribed that ranch radio ought to be utilized widely as a device for rustic improvement. 

Sharma (2001) states that rural projects transmitted by Radio Nepal have been especially helpful with regards to Nepal. Such projects have left positive effects in both little and substantial scale improvement. Sharma further includes: 

Farming radio and TV project is seen more in the ranges of vegetable development, plant assurance, pesticides, grain crops animals and poultry, store administration of the oat crops. 

The concentrate further says that the ranchers of Parbat region have been listening rural projects with much intrigue and excitement. To make such projects customary, more powerful and fascinating, the ranchers have suggested including such topics: 

- vegetable development with cross breed innovation - watering system administration - enhanced seeds of various yields - source, quality, enhanced types of domesticated animals and poultry and so on. The study by CEDA (2001) on the effect of rural projects transmitted by Radio Nepal specifies that such projects have helped the ranchers to enhance the cultivating strategies. The ranchers have gotten the farming projects transmitted by Radio Nepal and Nepal Television for data and learning. It was found that the ranchers have listened with eagerness the rural projects like Sukrabarko Budhi Aamai (The Old Mother on Friday), question answer on Friday, veterinary arrangement on Tuesday, exchange on Thursday and cultivating program on Sunday. The as a matter of first importance part of radio training is to help the rancher acknowledge new horticultural innovation for acquiring higher yields and changing the age-old idea of low yields : this is being done surprisingly well, as is obvious from the way that new innovation, all in all, has been acknowledged by the agriculturists of various classifications . Their eagerness to increase their ranch pay by receiving complex enhanced rural practices to be viewed as a most noteworthy change in their conduct. 

In our setting, radio can work as an instrument for dispersal of dependable data identified with agribusiness to get change the cultivating techniques subsequently acquiring efficient change the nation. 

Finishing up comments The homestead radios over the world that have made mindfulness among the ranchers show the achievement of such radios. The radios disperse data over the wide open about current cultivating framework as far as half and half seeds, off-regular vegetables, choice of seeds, and showcasing of the farming items. By the by, the projects should be town focused, dialogic, sensational and straightforward. There is the absence of rural columnists in our connection. On the off chance that the projects can be transmitted in nearby dialects from the group radios, it will help for the improvement of provincial territories of Nepal. References Chapman,R. et al (2003). Provincial Radio in Agricultural Extension: The case of Vernacular Radio Program on Soil and Water Conservation in North Ghana, UK: Agricultural Research and Extension and Extension. CEDA (2001). Sway Evaluation of AICC's Publication, Radio and Television Program, Final report. Financial Survey. 2011, Government of Nepal. FAO. (2005). FAO Final report. Rome: France. Jamison, D.T. and McAnany, E.G.(1997). Radio for instruction and Development, Sage Publication :UK Mclean, polly E. (1992). Radio and Rural Development in Swaziland,"African Media Review Vol-6,No-3 Http://WWW. group radio. Mohammad,R.N and Salleh,M.D.( ). " Role of TV in the improvement of ranchers horticulture information, Afgan Journal of Agriculture Research,Available online at http:/www. Mohammad,R.N , Salleh,M.D, and Hasbullah,A.H. (2010)." Radio as an Educational Media: sway on Agricultural Development" The Journal of South East Asia Research Center for correspondence and Humanities ,Vol-2.2010,pp.13-20. Nakabugu, S.B. (2001). The Role of Rural Radio in Agricultural and Rural Development Translating Agricultural Research Information into messages for ranch Audiences. Programe of the workshop in Uganda, 19 Feburary 2001. Nwaerondu, N.G. and Thomson, G.(1987). The Use of instructive radio in creating Countries : Lessons from the past. Diary of Distance Education, 2(2):4345. Rai, M. (2009). Handbook of Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research Sharma. N.K. (2008). Sway Study of Farm radio Program delivered by Agriculture data and Communication Center: A contextual analysis from the ranchers of Phalebas Kannigian V.D.C. of Parvat District, Unpublished Master's Thesis, T.U. The creator, a Ph.D. researcher at Tribhuvan University, has been contemplating the impacts of radio in agribusiness in provincial zones of Nepal since 2008

Disabled Students

Scholarships for Disabled Students

disable_600x400Incapacitated Nepalese kids are frequently seen as cast-offs and outcasts, or as karmic discipline for the "transgressions" of the family. They from time to time have a chance to end up gainful individuals from society. Just 30 percent of impaired youngsters in Nepal get a training; the larger part are consigned to infertile lives, not able to peruse, compose, or procure a living. 

From our beginning, NYF has given careful consideration to visually impaired and hard of hearing kids and to youngsters with cerebral paralysis or other physical and intellectual difficulties. The individuals who can deal with a general classroom are selected in school or school. Youngsters who require more supervision and consideration go to an exceptional school. 

We are profoundly dedicated to allowing debilitated youths to demonstrate their knowledge and ability, discover a feeling of reason, and figure out how to bolster themselves. Visually impaired and hard of hearing understudies have been a specific center of NYF since our establishing in 1990. Dietary lacks in early youth and insufficient therapeutic consideration result in a bizarrely high rate of visual deficiency and deafness in Nepal. There are a huge number of visually impaired school-matured youngsters in the nation, yet just a little rate go to class. The story is comparable for hard of hearing youngsters. The normal expense of live-in school for a hard of hearing kid is higher than the yearly wage of most Nepalese families. Despite the fact that the frequency of deafness in Nepal is much higher than in the created world, just a modest bunch of Nepalese schools instruct the hard of hearing, at a cost couple of families can manage. 

The achievements of our understudies with handicaps address the estimation of our grant program. We upheld the instruction of the main visually impaired legal advisor in Nepal. The man won a case on advance with a contention that underlined the capability of the handicapped populace—a contention deserving of an article in Nepal's biggest daily paper. A few of the visually impaired youngsters we've taught are presently instructors in private and government funded schools. The primary kid to move on from J House is a physically impaired young fellow who's turned into a main promoter for the crippled. He runs an association and an inside for incapacitated and helpless kids. One of the primary visually impaired undergrads in NYF's grant program won a worldwide grant. She established and runs an association for the incapacitated. A few incapacitated understudies who began accepting our backing in evaluation school are currently in school or master's level college, get ready for their own particular professions. 

NYF's dedication to giving incapacitated understudies a school instruction is greatly uncommon in Nepal, which makes our grant and preparing programs particularly vital: no other NGO or altruistic association offers this level of backing. More than some other intercession, training offers impaired adolescents consolation and abilities, the likelihood of work and reason, and the opportunity to acquire a living in a nation whose administration gives no backing to the crippled. 

Five hundred dollars sends a visually impaired, hard of hearing, or physically incapacitated tyke to all inclusive school for one year. Your bolster gives that tyke a future that would some way or another be out of compass.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Nepal Handmade Paper Products

Nepal Handmade Paper Products

High quality Paper Production is base on just carefully assembled Nepali Paper produced using "Lokta" (Daphne). Lokta develops at a height of 2000 to 3500 meters in the under story of the backwoods of Nepal's slope. The paper is prized for its harsh, alluring composition, its solidness and its imperviousness to creepy crawlies. Find with every one of us sorts of Nepalese paper items like paper lam sets, paper note pads, paper made photograph collection, letter sets, diaries journal, envelopes cards, blessing wrappers, shopping pack and Nepalese sheet pappers.


Lokta paper notebook, journal book, gift books

Lokta Paper Note Books

Entirely handcrafted with traditional Nepalese Lokta papar with different kind of design with variety of color. These picture-perfect notebooks are absolutely beautiful and undeniably unique. For More information please visit our showroom and send us query for catalogue

handmade paper lamp shade, Nepal paper craft

Lamp Shades
Since the entire paper product are environment friendly made by Nepali trained paper craftsman & woman. We Offer handmade Lampshade in assorted color with different design. Please visit our showroom for more information.

Paper Paintings
paper paintingsEntirely handmade Paper Paintings are being very popular to decor on your wall. 

This picture-perfect Paper Paintings are absolutely beautiful and undeniably unique. Send us query for latest catalogue.

wrapping paper, nepal handmade paper wrap

Wrapping Paper
Our wrapping paper is nothing short of artwork. So much so, that we are getting feedback from many of our customers, that after having purchased it, they can't bear to wrap the package and send it off. They are keeping the paper for themselves and framing it as art.

Paper Sheets
paper sheets, paper craft making paper sheet

Our beautiful Paper Sheets are being very popular items due to their customizable sizes, colors and styles which is made by skillfully crafted by our experienced craftsmen and woman in Nepal. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

handmade paper greeting crads

Greeting Cards

Are you looking for entirely environment friendly handmade paper greetings card? Here is solution. We offer handmade greeting cards in assorted color in different design. Visit our showroom or send us query for latest catalogue.


handmade paper envelopesThis category contains all 100% handmade Paper Envelope product which is environment friendly made by Nepali trained paper craftsman & woman. 
We offer different kind of design with variety of color. Please visit our showroom or send us query for latest catalogue. 

buddhist prayer flags of paper

Prayer Flags
Prayer flags are gentle reminders, bringing us back to our essence and opening our hearts and minds.When you hang prayer flags, you create the intention of kindness for ourselves and all beings.

Lokta paper Craft

Lokta naturally known as Daphne Bhoula or Daphne Papyracea, is an indegenous plant of Nepal. It is found at the elevation of 6500 feet to 9500 feet from the ocean level. The bark of the Lokta is utilized as crude materials with the end goal of making since ages. Lokta plant is collected by cutting its stem at ground level without wrecking the primary root. Lokta recovers actually and typically takes 2 to 3 years of time. Thus, there is no unfriendly impact on the backwoods environment.

Paper Making process 

Paper making handle first starts by cleaning the bark of Lokta with sharp blade and hacked it into little pieces. Those little pieces are then absorbed plain water for 5-6 hours.

Lokta Plant
          Stripped Lokta Bark

It is then, cooked in a soaking solution of hot water and soda for 1-2 hours and washed in cold water.

Cooking Lokta

Finally, it is hammered and converted into pulp. The pulp is then poured into wooden frames for drying into sheets of paper.

Hammering lokta
pouring pulp onto wooden Frame

          Drying Sheet

Past History of Ropeway in Nepal

In 1922 Shree Tin Maharaj Chandra Shamsher began building a 22km long payload Ropeway from Dhorsing-chisapnai-chandragiri slopes going into the Kathmandu. In 1964, this framework was further enhanced and stretched out to 42 kilometer to Hetauda with the money related and specialized help of the United State Agency for worldwide Development(USAID) . With the acquaintance of the Foreign Aids with Nepal arrangement changed. In Fifth Five-Year Plan street development delighted in high need. The Donors were in impression that the streets are the foundation of the advancement. In its 'Nepal Country Report' of 1976, the world bank reached a conclusion that development and upkeep of streets in rough precipitous nation was too immoderate and different method for transport ought to be found. However today all the past lessons have completely been overlooked and street building is blasting notwithstanding high cost and the harm they cause to the delicate mountain environment. 

Numerous Agencies did plausibility study in the past to investigate the potential outcomes of the diverse sorts of Ropeway in Nepal. Tragically they all stayed like scholastic excercises.Two merchandise conveying ropeways, Bhattedanda and Barpak,and Mankamana traveler Ropeway were really assembled. The Feasibility report of these activities demonstrated that interest for ropeway is high in remote territories of Nepal. In any case, Policy creators did not give genuine consideration. 

The Ninth Five-year Plan specified ropeway to sum things up and supported association of private part. In any case, no procurement in national spending plan was made for ropeway advancement. 

Notwithstanding the unmistakable achievement appeared by Bhattedanda Ropeway and Mankamana Cable auto the vehicle administration don't see ropeway as the method for enhancing rustic economy by associating remote zones to the business sector. 

However Private part and ropeway activists have now demonstrated awesome enthusiasm for advancement of ropeway in Nepal. 

As of late, 'Ropeway and Cable auto Pvt.Ltd',in start of Parbat Udhyog Banijya Sangh with the financing by 'Kushma Balewa Yantrik Pul organization' built 600m long Kushma-Balewa Cable auto in Parbat region. This framework is totally outlined by a group of Nepali Engineers. All Mechanical adornments (barring Motor and Drive), are manufactured in Nepal. This Ropeway is in operation since February 2013 and has an ability to convey 1000 persons for each day.

Welcome to Ropeway Nepal

Godabari Phulchowki Cable CarRopeway Nepal Pvt. Ltd. was built up by us, a gathering of excited Engineers with a dream to apply our learning and think our exertion for the advancement of ropeways in Nepal. From inside and out examination ventures, lead designing, attainability, acquisition, venture counseling, and information exchange, Ropeway Nepal unites the fundamental experience to help any customer understand any link related undertaking. This incorporates ID, improvement, venture building, arranging and outline administrations. It expect obligations running from counseling, arranging, plan, venture account, establishment, development supervision, operations, and preparing to guarantee supportability. 

With this conviction, Ropeway Nepal was set up by us, a gathering of energetic Engineers with a dream to apply our learning and focus our exertion on with a plan to create indigenous innovation of ropeway frameworks. With this conviction, Ropeway Nepal mean to bolster tourism foundation improvement for distinguishing proof, arranging, looking over, planning, designing of suitable ropeway innovation to the Nation. The organization is fit for uniting assorted abilities and advancements, arranging, co-appointment and managing their endeavors to accomplish a smooth on-timetable execution. The partners of this organization have over 10 years of constant working background in differing field of building, administration and human asset improvement and ropeway ventures. 

The organization is framed with great committed work force of assorted train and have effectively finished different kind of ropeway undertakings. Our partners have been broad experience for the arranging and designing works of ropeway activities. Nepal Development Marketplace 2005 has granted our related group for building up a creative venture of waterway intersection innovation named as Mechanized Bridge in strife influenced region of Nepal. The World Bank has bolstered the organization conceding financial asset in emerging the Mechanized Bridge of 520m range in Kotre-Punditar crosswise over Seti River at Tanahun District of Nepal. 

Ropeway Nepal is resolved to satisfy all-round necessities of its customer with an insurance of fulfillment. It offers unwavering quality and reliability. It goes for advancing goodwill and friendly association with its customers through most effective administration in the field of ropeway innovation. 

Company will continue to work towards our objectives:

Organization has faith in "Formation of quality for client, open doors for workers and advantages for society". With a specific end goal to bolster the administration procedures and framework, our organization focuses on the center estimations of shared appreciation, support by HR and association. Organization soul is innate in dedication, cooperation and development.

Cable Car In Nepal

To encounter a ride on link auto you don't need to be in Switzerland. Link auto is the recently presented marvel in Nepal which turn out to be to a great degree famous among the nearby and visitor. The Cable auto is arranged in Kurintar which is close around 105 KM west of Kathmandu on the thruway to Pokhara will take you to the sanctuary of wish satisfying goddess Manakamana. At the link auto station Kurintar we can locate some great resorts and eateries, committed to serving the visitors.

The Manakamana Temple lies 12 km south of notable town Gorkha and situated on an unmistakable edge (1302m) disregarding the waterway valleys of Trisuli (south) and Marshyandi (west). The novel area of the spot is performed amid winter when the edge shows up as island over the ocean of morning fog. Individuals trust the Goddess here, satisfies the desires of her enthusiasts, in this manner she is viewed as Manakmana, the desire satisfying god.

Prior to the link auto was set up in Kurnitar, a great many pioneers used to do the long challenging trek up to the peak and a large portion of despite everything them do. From the link auto station in Kurintar, you will reach to Manankamana inside 10 minutes or less. The ride covers a separation of 2.8 km. With 31 traveler and 3 freight autos, each with a seating limit of 6, the framework has the general limit of taking care of 600 persons for every hour. The experience is to getting your desires satisfied.

Some of travel specialists are additionally offering bundle program for the Cable auto and Manakamana journey comparative as howl.
• Drive Kathmandu to Kurintar (104 Kms) via auto/traveler transport.
• Kurintar to Manakamana Temple (2.8 Km) by link auto (10 minutes length)
• Visit Manakamana sanctuary and return back to Kurintar by link auto (10 minutes)
• Drive back to Kathmandu via Car/traveler transport.


The rate of unemployment and underemployment approaches half of the working-age populace. The unemployment rate was assessed at 42% in 2004 what implies that 30,9% of populace is leaving underneath destitution line. In this manner numerous Nepali natives move to India looking for work; the Gulf nations and Malaysia being new wellsprings of work. Nepal gets US$50 million a year through the Gurkha fighters who serve in the Indian and British armed forces and are exceptionally regarded for their aptitude and valiance. The aggregate settlement quality is worth around 1 billion USD, including cash sent from Persian Gulf and Malaysia, who consolidated utilize around 700,000 Nepali natives. A long-standing financial assention supports a cozy association with India. The nation gets remote guide from India, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union, China, Switzerland, and Scandinavian nations. Neediness is intense; per-capita wage is not exactly US$ 300. The appropriation of riches among the Nepalis is steady with that in numerous created and creating nations: the most noteworthy 10% of family units control 39.1% of the national riches and the least 10% control just 2.6%. As evaluated in 2006 the work power was around 11.11 billion of financially dynamic populace of working age. 76 % of them were occupied with horticultural exercises, 18 % in administrations and 6 % in industry (CIA-The world factbook, 2008).


International Relation
Intrinsically Nepalese outside approach is guided by "the standards of the United Nations Charter, nonalignment, Panchasheel (five standards of serene conjunction), global law and the estimation of world peace." The crucial target of the remote strategy is to upgrade the pride of Nepal in the worldwide enclosure by keeping up the power, honesty and autonomy of the nation. Before 1951, Nepal's outside connection was constrained with four nations; in particular – India, United Kingdom, USA and France. After enrollment of the United Nations in 1955, expansion of political relations with different nations of the world expanded extensively, with the strategic relationship to 118 nations around the globe up to 2010. Enrollment and dynamic cooperation on local and worldwide gatherings and associations, for example, SAARC, BIMSTEC, WTO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and UN Agencies is making Nepalese remote connection powerful and wide.


Nepal has gigantic geographic assorted qualities. It is comprised of three to a great degree differentiated zones. It ascends from under 100 meters (328 ft) height in the tropical Terai—the northern edge of the Gangetic Plain, past the interminable snow line to somewhere in the range of 90 crests more than 7,000 meters (22,966 ft.) including Earth's most astounding 8,848 meters (29,029 ft) Mount Everest or Sagarmatha. 

Biologically, the area mass is separated into three land zones from East to West to be specific Terai Region, Hill Region and Mountain Region. In the other bearing it is separated into three noteworthy waterway frameworks, from east to west: Koshi, Gandaki/Narayani and Karnali (counting the Mahakali/Sarda along the western fringe), all tributaries of the Ganges. Every one of the three parallel each other, from east to west, as nonstop natural belts, at times divided by the nation's stream frameworks. These environmental areas were partitioned by the administration into advancement divisions inside the structure of territorial improvement arranging. 

Terai Region 
Southern Nepal has a significant part of the character of the considerable fields of India, from which it outspreads with the rise ranges from 60 meters to 610 meters over the ocean level. Known as the Terai, this area incorporates both cultivable area and thick wilderness, the last being generally a diversion safeguard possessed by the wild elephant, tiger, and other ordinarily South Asian fauna. Other than being a chasing ground, the woods are worked for their significant timber. In complete topographic difference to the Mountain and Hill areas, the Terai Region is a marsh tropical and subtropical belt of level, alluvial area extending along the Nepal-India outskirt, and paralleling the Hill Region. The Terai contains around 33% of Nepal's populace and makes up around one-fourth of the aggregate range. It covers 23 percent of the aggregate territory of the nation out of which 40 percent is under development. It is otherwise called "grain crate" or "storage facility" of Nepal. The Terai incorporates a few valleys (dun, for example, the Surkhet and Dang valleys in western Nepal, and the Rapti Valley (Chitwan) in focal Nepal. Very populated and mechanical urban areas, for example, Biratnagar, Birgunj, Bhairahawa and Lumbini (the origination of Lord Buddha) are arranged in this district. This is socially near Northern India with the general population communicating in Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Tharu, and Maithili alongside Nepali. 

The word terai, a term ventured to be gotten from Persian, signifies "soggy," and it suitably depicts the district's muggy and hot atmosphere. The area was shaped and is sustained by three noteworthy waterways: the Kosi, the Narayani (India's Gandak River), and the Karnali. A district that in the past contained jungle fever plagued, thick timberlands, usually known as burn kose jhari (thick backwoods roughly twelve kilometers wide), the Terai was utilized as a cautious outskirts by Nepalese rulers amid the time of the British Raj (1858-1947) in India. In 1991 the Terai served as the nation's silo and area resettlement forefront; it turned into the most pined for inner destination for area hungry slope crofters. As far as both ranch and woodland handles, the Terai was turning into Nepal's wealthiest monetary district. By and large, Terai inhabitants delighted in a more noteworthy accessibility of farming area than did other Nepalese due to the zone's for the most part level landscape, which is depleted and supported by a few streams. Also, it has the biggest economically exploitable backwoods. In the mid 1990s, in any case, the backwoods were by and large progressively obliterated as a result of developing requests for timber and horticultural area. 

Hilly Region 
Arranged south of the Mountain Region, the Hill Region (called Pahar in Nepali) for the most part lies between the heights of 610 meters to 4,877 meters from the ocean level. The second and by a wide margin the biggest piece of Nepal are framed by the two noteworthy scopes of slopes, ordinarily known as the Mahabharat Lekh and Siwalik Range (or Churia Range) and Himalayan mountain ranges, stretching out from east to west. Their elevation increments toward the north, coming full circle on the Tibetan fringe in Mount Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepali), and remaining in the midst of other respectable tops. This district accounts the biggest offer (42 percent) of the aggregate area zone of the nation with a few dazzling mountains, high crests, slopes, lakes, bowls and valley, for example, Kathmandu (with the foothills town of Bhaktapur and Patan), Pokhara, Dang and Surkhet. Three vital streams begin from ice sheets and snow-sustained lakes, break southward through profound Himalayan chasms, and enter, individually, the Karnali, Gandaki and Kosi bowls. Streaming toward India, they get to be tributaries (similar to every one of Nepal's waterways) of the Ganges framework. 

Regardless of its topographical segregation and restricted financial potential, the district dependably has been the political and social focal point of Nepal, with basic leadership power brought together in Kathmandu, the country's capital. On account of migration from Tibet and India, the slope runs verifiably have been the most intensely populated range. In spite of substantial out-movement, the Hill Region included the biggest offer of the aggregate populace in 1991. In spite of the fact that the higher rises (above 2,500 meters) in the district were meagerly populated as a result of physiographic and climatic troubles, the lower slopes and valleys were thickly settled. The slope scene was both a characteristic and social mosaic, formed by land powers and human movement. The slopes, etched by human hands into an enormous complex of patios, were broadly developed. 

The Hill Region was a nourishment deficiency territory in the mid 1990s, in spite of the fact that farming was the transcendent monetary movement supplemented by domesticated animals raising, chasing, and regular relocating of workers. Most by far of the families living in the slopes was area eager and claimed to a great extent pakho (bumpy) land. The poor financial circumstance brought about by absence of adequate area was irritated by the generally short developing season, a wonder specifically owing to the climatic effect of the district's higher height. Accordingly, a slope rancher's capacity to develop various products was restricted. The families were compelled to adjust to the periphery, and also the regularity, of their surroundings, developing their territory at whatever point they could and developing whatever would survive. Amid the slack season, when the climate did not allow editing, slope tenants for the most part got to be regular vagrants, who take part in compensation work wherever they could discover it to supplement their lacking homestead yield. Reliance on nonagricultural exercises was considerably more fundamental in the mountain environmental belt. 

Mountain Region 
The Mountain Region (called Parbat in Nepali) lies on the northern part of the nation covering bumpy range. It is arranged at 4,877 meters to 8848 meters above ocean level. There are more than 250 crests in this district with more than 6000 meters in stature (8 mountains among the most noteworthy 10 mountains on the planet with Mt. Everest). In this locale the snow line lies above 5000 meters and there is no human settlement over this line. This district covers 35% zone of the nation yet just 2% of the area is reasonable for development. The area is described by harsh climatic and tough topographic conditions, and human home and financial exercises are amazingly restricted and laborious. In reality, whatever cultivating movement exists is generally bound to the low-lying valleys and the stream bowls, for example, the upper Kali Gandaki Valley. Since this district is for the most part steep, tough and chilly, it is the most meagerly populated area of the nation. The Mountain Region constitutes the focal segment of the Himalayan extent beginning in the Pamirs, a high elevation area of Central Asia. Its characteristic scene incorporates Mount Everest and the other seven of the world's ten most elevated tops, which are the fanciful living space of the legendary animal, the Yeti, or terrible snowman. Triangulated in 1850, Mt. Everest was formally given the status of the world's most astounding top in 1859. The summit (8,848 m/29,035 ft.) was gone after the first run through on 29 May 1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary, a New Zealander, and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa guide. 

High, frequently semi-dry valleys including Humla, Jumla, Dolpo, Mustang, Manang and Khumbu—cut between Himalayan sub ranges or lie north of them. Some of these valleys verifiably were more open from Tibet than Nepal and are populated by individuals with Tibetan affinities called Bhotiya or Bhutia incorporating the popular Sherpas in Kumbu valley close Mount Everest. 

In the mid 1990s, pastoralism and exchanging were regular monetary exercises among mountain occupants. In view of their overwhelming reliance on grouping and exchanging, transhumance was generally rehearsed. While the herders moved their goths (provisional creature covers) as per the occasional climatic rhythms, brokers additionally relocated regularly amongst good countries and swamps, purchasing and offering products and items keeping in mind the end goal to create abundantly required salary and to secure nourishment supplies.


Here atmosphere differs from cool summers and serious winters in north to subtropical summers and gentle winters in south. Nepal has a lot of variety in atmosphere. Nepal encounters four periods of atmosphere spring, summer, pre-winter and winter. The atmosphere is changed going from the sub-tropical Terai to the cool dry temperature and high atmospheres in the northern Himalayan extents. 

In the Terai, the most blazing part of the nation, summer temperatures may ascend as high as 40OC. the atmosphere is hot and sticky. Precipitation is far reaching amid the south-west storm time frame from June to August with the eastern part getting the most extreme precipitation. The period from October to May is by and large dry in many parts of the nation. Yearly precipitation differs from around 300 mm in the northern and western territories to more than 250 mm in the eastern districts. Kathmandu valley gets around 1300 mm of yearly precipitation with an overwhelming fixation from June to August. Its scope is about the same as that of Florida, and a tropical and subtropical atmosphere exists in the Terai Region. 
Outside the Terai, be that as it may, the atmosphere is totally distinctive. The striking contrasts in climatic conditions are fundamentally identified with the huge scope of elevation inside such a short north-south separation. The nearness of the east-west-inclining Himalayan massifs toward the north and the monsoonal adjustment of wet and dry seasons likewise incredibly add to nearby varieties in atmosphere. 

Researcher Sharad Singh Negi distinguishes five climatic zones in Nepal taking into account height: 

• the tropical and subtropical zone of beneath 1,200 meters in elevation; 

• the cool, calm zone of 1,200 to 2,400 meters in elevation; 

• the icy zone of 2,400 to 3,600 meters in elevation; 

• the subarctic climatic zone of 3,600 to 4,400 meters in elevation and 

• the ice zone above 4,400 meters in elevation. 

As far as normal vegetation administrations or appropriation designs, elevation again assumes a huge part. Underneath 1,200 meters, the overwhelming type of vegetation comprises of tropical and subtropical downpour timberlands. 

Height additionally influences yearly precipitation or precipitation designs. Up to around 3,000 meters, yearly precipitation sums increment as the elevation increments; from that point, yearly aggregates reduce with expanding height and scope. Notwithstanding this latitudinal separation in precipitation, two different examples can be observed. To start with, given the northwestward development of the dampness loaded summer rainstorm (June to September), the measure of yearly precipitation by and large reductions from east to west. Be that as it may, there are sure pockets with overwhelming yearly precipitation sums, for instance, the Pokhara Valley in focal Nepal. Second, the level augmentation of slope and mountain ranges makes a soggy condition on south and eastfacing inclines while it delivers a noteworthy downpour shadow on the northern sides of the slants. The aridity increments with height and scope, particularly on the northern slants, and achieves its peak in the inward Himalayan district and on the Tibetan Plateau. Eastern Nepal gets roughly 2,500 millimeters of downpour every year, the Kathmandu region around 1,420 millimeters, and western Nepal around 1,000 millimeters. 

The towering Himalayas assume a basic part, hindering the northwesterly advances of wet, tropical air from the Bay of Bengal, and at last prompting its transformation to rain in the mid year. In the winter, this extent keeps the upheavals of chilly air from Inner Asia from achieving southern Nepal and northern India, consequently guaranteeing hotter winters in these locales than generally would be the situation. 

Also, there are regular varieties in the measure of precipitation, contingent upon the storm cycle. Priest separates the rainstorm cycle into four seasons: premonsoon, summer storm, postmonsoon, and winter rainstorm. The premonsoon season for the most part happens amid April and May; it is portrayed by the most astounding temperatures, achieving 40° C amid the day in the Terai Region and different swamps. The slopes and mountains, nonetheless, stay cool. 

The late spring rainstorm, a solid stream of clammy air from the southwest, takes after the pre-storm season. For by far most of southern Asians, including Nepalese, the term rainstorm is synonymous with the mid year stormy season, which represents the moment of truth the lives of a huge number of agriculturists on the subcontinent. Despite the fact that the entry of the late spring rainstorm can fluctuate by as much as a month, in Nepal it for the most part arrives before the actual arranged time June, is gone before by fierce lightning and electrical storms, and keeps going through September, when it starts to retreat. The fields and lower Himalayas get more than 70 percent of their yearly precipitation amid the late spring storm. The measure of summer storm rain for the most part decreases from southeast to northwest as the oceanic wedge of air bit by bit gets to be more slender and dryer. In spite of the fact that the accomplishment of cultivating is absolutely reliant on the auspicious entry of the mid year storm, it intermittently causes such issues as avalanches; resulting misfortunes of human lives, farmlands, and different properties (also incredible trouble in the development of merchandise and individuals); and overwhelming flooding in the fields. Then again, when drawn out breaks in the mid year storm happen, extreme dry spell and starvation frequently come about. 

The post rainstorm season starts with a moderate withdrawal of the storm. This retreat prompts a practically finish vanishing of soggy air by mid-October, along these lines introducing by and large cool, clear, and dry climate, and additionally the most casual and convivial period in Nepal. At this point, the harvest is finished and individuals are in a merry state of mind. The two greatest and most critical Hindu celebrations - Dashain and Tihar (Dipawali)- - touch base amid this period, around one month separated. The post rainstorm season endures until about December. 

After the post storm, comes the winter rainstorm, a solid northeasterly stream, which is set apart by infrequent, short rainfalls in the swamps and fields and snowfalls in the high-height zones. The measure of precipitation coming about because of the upper east land exchange winds shifts extensively however increments especially with height. The auxiliary winter precipitation as snowfalls in the Himalayas is essential for creating an adequate volume of spring and summer meltwaters, which are basic for watering system in the lower slopes and valleys where farming prevails. Winter precipitation is likewise are crucial for the accomplishment of winter products, for example, wheat, grain, and various vegetables. 

Nepal has four particular seasons. Spring, from March to May is warm and dusty with downpour showers. Summer, from June to August, is the storm season when the slopes turn rich and green. Fall, from September to November, is cool with clear skies, and is the most prominent trekking season. In winter from December to February, it is chilly around evening time and can be foggy in the early morning yet evenings are typically clear and wonderful, however there is infrequent snow in the mountains. 

Climate condition in Nepal change from locale to district. Summer and late spring temperatures range from more than 40 Degrees Celsius in the Terai to around 28 Degrees Celsius in the uneven district of the nation. In winter, normal most extreme and least temperatures in the Terai range from a mellow 23 Degrees Celsius to a lively 7 Degrees Celsius while the focal valleys experience a cold 12 Degrees Celsius greatest temperature and a base temperature frequently falling beneath the point of solidification. 

Much colder temperatures win at higher rises. The Katmandu Valley arranged at an elevation of 1310m, has a convenient yet equable atmosphere with normal summer and winter temperatures of 27 Degrees Celsius to 19 Degrees Celsius and 20 Degrees Celsius to 2 Degrees Celsius separately. The yearly precipitation in Katmandu for the most part surpasses 1300mm. The mean yearly precipitation ranges from more than 6000mm along the southern slants of the Annapurna range in focal Nepal to not exactly the 250mm in the north focal segment close to the Tibetan level. Sums differing somewhere around 1500 and 2500mm prevail over a large portion of the nation. On a normal, around 80% of the precipitation is bound to the rainstorm time frame (June-September). 

Best Seasonality

Entry figures to most destinations demonstrate that for the Nepalese sightseers is favored dry season from October to November. The climate is moderate, the air is spotless, perceivability is flawless and the field is rich and green after the rainstorm. October is the ideal opportunity for celebrations in Nepal. From February until April, the last part of the dry season is the second-best period. December and January is not suggested for going in Nepal. 

Whatever is left of the year is genuinely upsetting for voyaging: May and early June are for the most part excessively hot and dusty for solace, and the storm from mid-June to September darkens the mountains in cloud and turns trails and streets to mud. Flying is frequently the best way to achieve remote ranges right now of year, and the western fringe intersections to India are regularly blocked.